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Learning to Program with the Cybiko Handheld Computer Using B2C

Chapter 2 : Introducing BASIC & B2C

Welcome to programming in B2C.  B2C stands for Basic-to-C compiler.  With B2C you can create very simple to very complex programs (including video games) with a minimum of effort.  In the following pages you will find a step-by-step introduction to programming in B2C.  To gain the maximum benefit from this tutorial you are encouraged to do each step one by one in order.  When you are done, you will know enough to write any program you can imagine – and we know you have a wild imagination!

BASIC is an acronym.  It stands for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.  It was invented in the 1960's as a simplified programming language for people of all types.  The original language had a line number for each line of code.  This helped to order the statements and make it easier for the newcomer to change something on a particular line.  The purpose of the BASIC language is to make programming code more like English so that it can be easily learned by the non-computer professional.

B2C is based on the CyBasic2 language by Cybiko, Inc.  Unlike the 'C' programming language, CyBasic2 is interpreted.  Languages like 'C' are compiled, meaning the instructions are transformed into machine code.  CyBasic2 is interpreted at run time.  It is never converted into machine code.  So, it is slower than 'C'.  B2C is a compiler – it transforms B2C code into C that is then compiled into a fast-running application.

CyBasic2 was a fairly limited language.  It had the ability to get input from the user, process that input, and print the processed results to the screen.  The If command allowed CyBasic2 to handle conditionals and the For command allowed it to handle looping.  There are only a handful of graphic functions including Point (for setting a pixel) and Line (for drawing a line).

B2C on the other hand has commands to work with bitmaps directly.  Anything you can do in C you can also do in B2C, only with B2C, it's easier.  You can create real video games with B2C, something CyBasic2 was never designed to do.

Follow this link for more information on the origins of BASIC:

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