please dont rip this site

Member update-able Technical Reference website

An interactive technical reference that accepts notes, data, and new information from everyone.

The actual techical data starts with an outline / overview

How to add your own comments, questions, code, etc.. and even new pages(!) to any page.

How to take ownership of a page and edit pages you own.

Possible hosts:

Technical feature / to-do list.

Current problems:

See also:

James Michael Newton says:

to convert HTML to plain text... or at least strip out all the tags...

James Michael Newton says:

Add a new action to the update script: "addunder" which has a "heading" parameter. Basically, you do a search (for the heading) and replace (with the heading and the text)

to make a form where part of the text is hidden, use two fields with the same name and recombine them in the script.

James Michael Newton says:

Redirect from an IP stable URL to your dynamic ISP assigned dialup IP address after registration and a browser hit to a cgi script that updates the redirection to the current value of your dynamic IP address. Putting the browser with a default URL of the update cgi URL in the startup folder causes your machine to connect to the ISP and update your current IP on the redirection server

Notification of site indexing by The following link sends an email with the name and IP address of the indexing web robot when the page is indexed:
<A href=""> &nbsp; </A>


file: /Techref/idea/website/techref.htm, 31KB, , updated: 2020/6/24 09:32, local time: 2024/8/31 17:14,

 ©2024 These pages are served without commercial sponsorship. (No popup ads, etc...).Bandwidth abuse increases hosting cost forcing sponsorship or shutdown. This server aggressively defends against automated copying for any reason including offline viewing, duplication, etc... Please respect this requirement and DO NOT RIP THIS SITE. Questions?
Please DO link to this page! Digg it! / MAKE!

<A HREF=""> Member update-able Technical Reference website Idea</A>

After you find an appropriate page, you are invited to your to this massmind site! (posts will be visible only to you before review) Just type a nice message (short messages are blocked as spam) in the box and press the Post button. (HTML welcomed, but not the <A tag: Instead, use the link box to link to another page. A tutorial is available Members can login to post directly, become page editors, and be credited for their posts.

Link? Put it here: 
if you want a response, please enter your email address: 
Attn spammers: All posts are reviewed before being made visible to anyone other than the poster.
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