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STYLE=css1 properties

Defines a table. Use the TR, TD, and TH elements in the container to create the rows, columns, and cells. The end-tag is required.

The optional THEAD, TBODY, TFOOT, COLGROUP, and COL elements can be used to organize a table and apply attributes across columns and groups of columns.

Specifies the table alignment. The default is LEFT.
LEFT The table is left-aligned.
CENTER The table is centered on the page.
RIGHT The table is right-aligned. If the table is less than the width of the window, text following the table wraps along the left side of the table.
BLEEDLEFT The table bleeds over the margin into the left side of the document.
BLEEDRIGHT The table bleeds over the margin into the right side of the document.
JUSTIFY The table fits the left and right margin definitions.
Specifies a background picture. The picture is tiled behind the text and graphics in the table, table head, or table cell.
Sets background color. The color is either a hexadecimal, red-green-blue color value or a predefined color name. See Color.
Sets the size, in pixels, of the table border. The default is zero.
Sets border color. Must be used with the BORDER= attribute. The color is either a hexadecimal, red-green-blue color value or a predefined color name. See Color.
Sets independent border color control over one of the two colors used to draw a 3-D border, opposite of BORDERCOLORLIGHT=. Must be used with the BORDER= attribute. The color is either a hexadecimal, red-green-blue color value or a predefined color name. See Color.
Sets independent border color control over one of the two colors used to draw a 3-D border, opposite of BORDERCOLORDARK=. Must be used with the BORDER= attribute. The color is either a hexadecimal, red-green-blue color value or a predefined color name. See Color.
Sets the amount of space, in pixels, between the sides of a cell and its contents.
Sets the amount of space, in pixels, between the frame (exterior) of the table and the cells in the table.
Formats text following the table. The default is NO.
NO Text appears immediately after the table.
LEFT Text appears as the first left-aligned line after the table.
RIGHT Text appears as the first right-aligned line after the table.
Indicates the class to which the element belongs.
Sets the number of columns in the table. If given, this attribute may speed up processing of tables, especially lengthy ones.
Specifies which sides of a frame (outer borders) are displayed. The frame-type can be one of these values:
BORDER Displays a border on all sides of the table frame. This is the default.
VOID Removes all outside table borders.
ABOVE Displays a border on the top side of the table frame.
BELOW Displays a border on the bottom side of the table frame.
HSIDES Displays a border on the top and bottom sides of the table frame.
LHS Displays a border on the left-hand side of the table frame.
RHS Displays a border on the right-hand side of the table frame.
VSIDES Displays a border on the left and right sides of the table frame.
BOX Displays a border on all sides of the table frame.
Specifies a unique value for the element over the document.
NOWRAP Keeps table rows from wrapping if they extend beyond the right margin.
Specifies which dividing lines (inner borders) are displayed. The rule-type can be one of these values:
NONE Removes all interior table borders. This is the default.
GROUPS Displays horizontal borders between all table groups. Groups are specified by the THEAD, TBODY, TFOOT, and COLGROUP elements.
ROWS Displays horizontal borders between all table rows.
COLS Displays vertical borders between all table columns.
ALL Displays a border on all rows and columns.
STYLE=css1 properties
Specifies style information.
Specifies the vertical table alignment. The default is TOP.
TOP The table is aligned at the top.
MIDDLE The table is vertically aligned at the middle.
BOTTOM The table is vertically aligned with the bottom.
BASELINE The table is aligned with the text baseline.
Sets the width of the table in pixels or as a percentage of the window. To set a percentage, the n must end with a percent sign (%).


    <TH>Heading 1</TH>
    <TH>Heading 2</TH>
    <TD>Row 1, Column 1 text.</TD>
    <TD>Row 1, Column 2 text.</TD>
    <TD>Row 2, Column 1 text.</TD>
    <TD>Row 2, Column 2 text.</TD>

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Quick, Easy and CHEAP! RCL-1 RS232 Level Converter in a DB9 backshell
Ashley Roll has put together a really nice little unit here. Leave off the MAX232 and keep these handy for the few times you need true RS232!

























