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Microchip Virgilstamps Ee.asm

;  ee.asm

        include <>
; This application written by Virgil Stamps,  6-12-99
; I had an application that needed configuration files for various modes of operation.
; A 24C32 I2C EEPROM provides 4Kx8 non-volatile storage. A PIC 16C74 is the processor.
; "Creating electronic products for fun and profit." This code is given
; to the public domain. If you need help, email author at
RESET_V		EQU	0x0000		; Address of RESET Vector
ISR_V		EQU	0x0004		; Address of Interrupt Vector

		ORG	RESET_V		; RESET vector location
RESET		GOTO	START                        

		ORG	ISR_V		; Interrupt vector location  
		nop                     ; interrupt service would be here
INIT   	        bsf     STATUS,RP0      ; bank 1
		movlw	b'10010110'
		movwf	TRISC		; rc7= RX rc6= TX rc5=SDO rc4=SDI rc3=SCLK rc1=na rc0=na
		BCF	STATUS, RP0	; bank 0        
		clrf	event

; Program start. Simple poll loop. A good place for breakpoint and testing.

START	CALL	INIT                    ; Initialize Processor Registers 
	bsf	event,ee_busy		; read block
	movlw	.0                      ; which block
	movwf	BLK	
POLL    nop
        btfsc   event,ee_busy           ; ee busy?
        call    EE_SERVICE              ; service eeprom if needed

; Driver for Microchip 24C32A Serial EEPROM (32K-bit).
; Generic program listing for those seeking information on programming this type EEPROM.
; Approximately 30 ms to read and 80 ms to write a block of 80 bytes.
; The EEPROM is organized as virtual memory accessed by a block number 
; and temporarily stored in RAM at BLOCK (0x0A0 - 0x0EF)
; A 32K-bit device has a maximum of 51 blocks. 4,096 bytes / 80 = 51.2 blocks   
; A virtual memory location in your application could be defined as BLK (0-50)
; and a offset (0-79).

EE              equ     PORTC           ; EEPROM port
SDA		equ	1               ; EE data
SCL		equ	0		; EE clk
block		equ	0x0A0
blk_size	equ	0x050		; 80 decimal

; VARIABLES defined  in low RAM   Arbitrary as to where you want to put them
event           equ     0x03D           ; event register where:
ee_busy         EQU     2               ; service requested  1=busy, 0=idle
ee_write        EQU     1               ; 1=write, 0=read
ee_blk_op       EQU     0               ; 1=read or write block operation, 0=idle
ADDR0           equ     0x03E           ; address high byte
ADDR1		equ	0x03F		; address low byte
BLK             equ     0x040           ; block number (0-50)
BLKC            equ     0x041           ; block counter 
blkptr          equ     0x042           ; block pointer
o_data          equ     0x043           ; output data
i_data          equ     0x044           ; input data
ee_cntr4        equ     0x045           ; temp counter
ee_cntr3        equ     0x046           ; temp counter
ee_cntr2        equ     0x047           ; temp counter
ee_cntr1        equ     0x048           ; temp counter
X_DELAY         equ     0x04B           ; delay counter MS
DELAY           equ     0x04C           ; delay counter LS

; This application burst mode writes 10 groups of 8-bytes each. 
; The read function block reads 80-bytes in a loop.
; To write the 80 bytes at block, set BLK= block number in EEPROM, set event,ee_busy, 
; set event,ee_write, call EE_SERVICE.
; To read 80 bytes to block from EEPROM, set BLK= block number in EEPROM,
; set event,ee_busy, clear event,ee_write, call EE_SERVICE.
; on return:  event,ee_busy is zero, event,ee_block is zero.

EE_SERVICE      btfss   event,ee_busy   ; busy?
                return                  ; no
                call    EEPRMSVC        ; service eeprom
		btfss	event,ee_busy
                movlw   .10
	        call    X_DELAY500
                goto    EE_SERVICE      ; if yes

EEPRMSVC	btfsc	event,ee_write	; write to ee?
		goto	write_block	; if yes
                goto	read_block      ; no, read a block

write_block     btfsc   event,ee_blk_op ; writing a block now?
		goto	write_busy	; if yes
		bsf	event,ee_blk_op	; no, signal writing a block
                call    set_addr
                movlw   block
		movwf	blkptr       	; addr of block buffer
      		movlw	.10
                movwf   ee_cntr4        ; write 10 groups of 8 bytes each
write_busy	call	low_scl
		call	low_sda
		movlw	blk_size/.10
		movwf	ee_cntr2
		movf	blkptr,w
		movwf	FSR
		call	w_block
                decfsz	ee_cntr4        ; done all groups of 8?
		goto	poll_ack        ; if no
		bcf	event,ee_blk_op ; eeprom block operation done
		bcf	event,ee_write  ; eeprom not writing
		bcf	event,ee_busy   ; eeprom not busy
                goto    delay50ms       ; return after delay

poll_ack        movlw   .100
		movwf	ee_cntr3
ack_loop	decfsz	ee_cntr3
		goto	ack_tst
		goto	err
ack_tst	        call	strt
                movlw	0x0a0
		call	out_byte
                call	wait
		btfsc	PORTC,SDA	; did chip acknowledge?
		goto	clkit           ; if no
                goto    pulse           ; yes, so exit
clkit		call	pulse
                goto	ack_loop        ; poll again

err             nop                     ; EEPROM is bad  (add your own error recovery)
                goto    err             ; eeprom did not respond in 100 tries

w_block         call    strt            ; burst write 8 bytes
		movlw	0x0a0
		call	out_byte
		call	ack
		movf	ADDR0,w         ; ms addr
		call	out_byte
		call	ack
		movf	ADDR1,w         ; ls addr
		call	out_byte
		call	ack
wrtblk		movf	INDF,w          ; byte to write
		call	out_byte
		call	ack
		incf	FSR
		incf	blkptr
		movlw	.1
		addwf	ADDR1           ; EEPROM addr low
		btfsc	STATUS,C
		incf	ADDR0           ; EEPROM addr high
		decfsz	ee_cntr2
		goto	wrtblk
		call	stop

read_block	bsf	event,ee_blk_op	; signal reading a block
                call    set_addr
                call    low_scl
		call	high_sda
		call	high_scl	; idle bus
		movlw	block
		movwf	FSR       	; addr of block buffer
		movlw	blk_size
		movwf	ee_cntr2	; bytes to copy

	        call	strt
		movlw	0x0a0           ; write preface
		call	out_byte
		call	ack
		movf	ADDR0,w         ; ms address
		call	out_byte
		call	ack
		movf	ADDR1,w         ; ls address
		call	out_byte
		call	ack

		call	strt
		movlw	0x0a1
		call	out_byte	; read preface
more_seq	call	ack
		call	in_byte		; fetch the byte
		movf	i_data,w
		movwf	INDF		; copied to current block
		incf	FSR		; point to next address in block
		movlw	.1
		addwf	ADDR1
		btfsc	STATUS,C
		incf	ADDR0
                decfsz	ee_cntr2	; read all bytes?
		goto	more_seq
		call	stop
		bcf	event,ee_blk_op ; block read is done
		bcf	event,ee_busy	; ee not busy

out_byte	movwf	o_data          ; output 8 bits to eeprom
		movlw	.8
		movwf	ee_cntr1
o_loop		rlf	o_data          ; msb to carry
		call	low_sda
		btfsc	STATUS,C        ; is it a 1?
		call	high_sda
		call	pulse
		decfsz	ee_cntr1         ; done?
		goto	o_loop          ; no
		call	high_sda

in_byte		movlw	.8              ; input 8 bits from eeprom
		movwf	ee_cntr1
		call	high_sda
i_loop  	call	high_scl        ; data valid
         	bcf	STATUS,C
		btfsc	PORTC,SDA
		bsf	STATUS,C
		rlf	i_data
		call	low_scl
		call	wait
		decfsz	ee_cntr1
		goto	i_loop

ack		call	high_sda	; acknowledge operation
		btfsc	PORTC,SDA	; bit low?
		goto	force0          ; if no
		goto	pulse		; slave acknowledges
force0		call	low_sda         ; master acknowledges
		call	pulse
		goto	high_sda        ; return as input

strt            call	high_sda
		call	high_scl
		call	low_sda		; strt condition
		goto	low_scl

stop		call	low_sda
		call	high_scl
		call	high_sda        ; stop condition
		goto	low_scl

low_sda		call	wait
		BSF     STATUS, RP0	; bank 1
		bcf	TRISC,SDA	; output
		bcf	STATUS, RP0	; bank 0
		goto	wait

high_sda        call	wait
		BSF     STATUS, RP0	; bank 1
		bsf	TRISC,SDA	; input
		bcf	STATUS, RP0	; bank 0
		goto	wait

low_scl		bcf	EE,SCL          ; clock line goes low
high_scl	bsf	EE,SCL          ; clock line goes high

wait		nop                     ; delay for the chip

pulse		call	high_scl        ; one clock pulse
		call	wait
		goto	low_scl

; subroutine to compute block address: addr = n * 80

set_addr        clrf    ADDR0           ; assume 1st block
		clrf	ADDR1
                movf    BLK,w
                movwf   BLKC
                movf    BLK,w
                btfss   STATUS,Z        ; zero?
                goto    next_addr2      ; if n
                goto    set_done        ; if yes
next_addr2      bcf     STATUS,C        ; set ADDR0 and ADDR1 modulo 80
		movlw	blk_size        ; sizeof block
		addwf	ADDR1,f
                btfsc   STATUS,C        ; overflow?
                incf    ADDR0           ; if yes 
		decfsz	BLKC
                goto    next_addr2      ; if no
set_done        return

; a delay routine

delay50ms       movlw   .100
X_DELAY500	MOVWF	X_DELAY		; +1		1 cycle
X_DELAY500_LOOP	CALL	DELAY500	; step1		wait 500uSec
		DECFSZ	X_DELAY, F	; step2		1 cycle
		GOTO	X_DELAY500_LOOP	; step3		2 cycles
                RETURN                  ; +2            2 cycles

DELAY500        MOVLW   D'165'          ; +1            1 cycle
		MOVWF	DELAY		; +2		1 cycle
DELAY500_LOOP	DECFSZ	DELAY, F	; step 1	1 cycle
		GOTO	DELAY500_LOOP	; step 2	2 cycles
                RETURN                  ; +3            2 cycles

	END				; End of program

file: /Techref/microchip/virgilstamps/ee.asm, 10KB, , updated: 1999/6/12 12:51, local time: 2024/10/6 02:09,

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