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PIC Code Generator

This page documents some code generators for the PIC (and possibly other small processors in the future) Currently available:

Furture enhancements may include infix math expression evalutation that will accept a simple expression, parse it, and generate source code that will allow the PIC to evaluate the expression. Also possible are basic io functions (e.g. RS232Out(USART1, PortD / 7)), timeing (e.g. OnceEvery(2, minutes, LCDT6963COut((PortA & 7)*2)) and so on.

We hope to standardize a method for includeing function definitions contributed by anyone where the chip type, clock speed and other supporting requirements, input, output, description and code are defined on a web based input form and the function is then included in a library of available functions that can be called from the code generator.

Ultimately you could enter something like:

RS232Out(a0,a1,printf("Flow rate: %d at %s", sin(ADCIn(b0,sigmadelta)^2)*100, Time(h,m,s))), Clock=4Mhz, Part=16F84

and get the code to read a sigma delta analog to digital converter on pin B0, do the calculation, get the time from an ISR clock, generate the text answer, and bit bang it out the serial port connected to pins A0 and A1. Please note that this is a completely made up example and in no way reflects any method we know for calcuating "flow rates" <GRIN>.

If anyone is interested in contributing to this project, please contact Nikolai, or James Newton

Also: The late Tony Fishers ( DSP code generation program has been converted to run on our server: Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) Butterworth / Bessel / Chebyshev

Another (sort of) code generator in progress is for evaluating arithmetic expressions while tracking the actual precision needed in the calculations. This is targeted at the SX clone of the PIC.

Yet another (sort of) code generator for generating the Open Shift Generator project -- A Shift Register Code Generator, generating code for linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs).

See also:

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