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PICList Project

Communitary Universal Microcontroller Programmer

The CUMP concept



To develop a device programming platform that



In a sudden flurry of activity, it seems that nearly all of the remaining hardware questions have been resolved. Soon it will become time for the software development stage to begin. James is beginning work on an interpreter specification while Wayne and I go our seperate ways in our attempts to build a good MB.

The hardware section will be being updated shortly with new information CUMP.


Well, it appears that there may finally be some progress here. We are on our way to developing a CUMP bus spec.

See the Hardware section for the work in progress.

While it may be too soon to say--considering how fast development of the CUMP project has picked back up over the past few days--I am somewhat disappointed in the level of participation of all but a select few members of the CUMP list.


As should be obvious from the inactivity of both the list and this site, the whole CUMP project is in a bit of a slump right now. I hope it'll get back into the swing of things before too long, but right now there aren't really any signs of that happening.


Currently, the biggest discussion going is whether the bus should be left with the original parallel configuration or if it would be better to drop that entirely and go for a serial implementation of the CUMP concept.

If the serial implementation is decided upon, then the next question is which serial protocol to use for inter-board communications. Currently, the two contenders seem to be I2C and RS-422.


I've finally gotten around to reworking this site. It should get a lot better soon. Here are some of the changes that I will be making:

I'm going to see what I can do about W3C compliance, but I don't know how much I can do about that within the framework. Go here for the old page.





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