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The Telephone System / Network

aka POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service)

Country codes

Phone Number Directories

Location Data From Phone Number Country and Area Codes. Forward and reverse. Partial matches ok. Nice job. See also

Phone line interfaceing

Voice Mail Systems

D.C. Line Voltage (Talk Battery) - 48v with receiver on-hook, red wire (ring) negative, 5v for off-hook (with 50-1000 ohm d.c. load on line).

Tip and ring get their name from the construction of an operator's plug-board plug -- tip was the tip, and ring was the ring below the tip. The positive voltage (ground) was put on the tip line, because that was the part of the plug that the operator had the least chance of touching. Negative battery supplies (with respect to ground) have always been used with phone systems, so that leakage currents to ground caused by moisture do not electroplate away the copper in the wires.

Call Progress Tones in the US (from many sources includeing Telecom Digest, Dan Michaels and others as listed)

The GSM specification (mostly) requires phone numbers in the format


+ = International access
XXX = country code
LLL = local area code
yyy   = number

This string cannot exceed 12 digits

Speech@ Fax@ Pagers@ Modems@ DTMF@ Cellular@

See also:


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