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SX Microcontroller Radix Math Method

Binary to ASCII, 16 bit to 5 digits (1 at a time) no temp register (!)

; by Rich Leggitt with tweaks by Scott Dattalo and bugfix by Dmitry Kiryashov and Nikolai Golovchenko and Ted Inoue.
; given 16 bit data in HI and LO, extract decimal digits
; requires one Output register called temp, HI and LO are destroyed.
; 42 instructions and less than 290 instructions executed
        clr     temp
sub10k  inc     temp
        mov     W, #10000 & 255
        sub     LO, W

;Scott Dattalo says:
;If you have a ram location that's known to be zero, then
;the following [the IF] can be replaced with [the ELSE]

IFNDEF known_zero
        mov     W, #10000 >> 8
        sb      C
        mov     W, #(10000 >> 8)+1
	mov	W, << known_zero
        add     W, #(1000 >> 8) + 1
        sub     HI, W
        jc sub10k               ;11*7=77 inst in loop for 60900 (worst)

        mov     W, #10
        mov     temp, W
add1K   dec     temp
        mov     W, #1000 & 255
        add     LO, W

;Scott Dattalo says:
;If you have a ram location that's known to be zero, then
;the following [the IF] can be replaced with [the ELSE]

IFNDEF known_zero
        mov     W, #1000 >> 8
        snb      C
        mov     W, #(1000 >> 8)+1
	mov	W, << known_zero
        add     W, #1000 > > 8
        add     HI, W
        jnc add1k               ;10*10=100 inst in loop for 60900

;Scott takes over here
        clr     temp
        mov     W, #100
        inc     temp
        sub     LO, W
        snb      C
        jmp     sub100

        dec     HI
        sb      HI.7    ;Check msb instead of carry for underflow.
        jmp     sub100  ;4 inst per loop to 200 then 7 per loop to 900.
                        ;Total 64(?) in loop for worst case

;at this point, HI = 0xff, and  0 <= LO <= 99


        mov     W, #10
        mov     temp, W
add10   dec     temp
        add     LO, W
        jnc add10               ;40 inst in loop for worst case.



file: /Techref/scenix/lib/math/radix/b2a-16b5a-rl_sx.htm, 3KB, , updated: 2008/10/14 15:22, local time: 2024/9/17 23:43,

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