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Function  5Bh  Create New File	     (DOS 3.x)
	       Given an ASCIIZ pathname, Creates a file in the current or
	       specified directory on the default or specified disk drive, and
	       returns a handle that can be used by the program for subsequent
	       access to the file. If a file with the same name already exists,
	       the function fails.

entry	AH     5Bh
	CX     attribute
	       00h    normal
	       01h    read only
	       02h    hidden
	       04h    system
	DS:DX  segment:offset of ASCIIZ pathname
return	AX     handle
	CF     set if error
	       AX      error code

note 1) Files created with this function are not automatically deleted when the
	caling program terminates.

     2) The funciton fails if:
	a) any element of the pathname does not exist.
	b) a file with the identical pathname (i.e., the same filename and
	   extension in the same location in the directory structure) already
	c) the file is being created in the root directory and the root
	   directory is full.
	d) the program is running on a network and the user has insufficient
	   access rights to the directory that will contain the file.

     3) This function may be used to implement semaphores in a network or
	multitasking environment. If the function succeeds, the program has
	aquired the semaphone. To release the semaphore, thr program dimply
	deletes the file.

     4) See also Int\21f\3C. The two calls are identical, except that
	Function 5B fails if a file with the same name already exists, rather
	than truncating the file to zero length. Int\21f\5A provides
	additional facilities for creating temporary work files.

file: /Techref/INT/21f/5b.htm, 1KB, , updated: 1999/6/11 09:18, local time: 2024/9/18 07:21,

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