Gregg Williams is a senior technical editor at
BYTE. Rob Moore is a hardware designer and a
frequent contributor to BYTE. They can be reached
at POB 372, Hancock, NH 03449.
Steve Wozniak is the designer of the original
Apple computer and one of the cofounders of Apple
Computer Inc. Here Steve speaks at length on a
variety of topics that range from the hobby
activities that led to his design of the Apple I
to current issues at Apple Computer. His frank
comments and criticisms provide a glimpse into the
workings of Apple Computer from a true insiders
point of view. This is the first part of a
two-part article.
Contents Pre-Apple
Experiences Breakout The
Apple I Apple
I: RAM Apple
Computer Apple
Computer's name Hewlett-Packard Apple
I: Specs The
Apple II Apple
II: Color Apple
II: Text & Graphics The
Apple II & Breakout Apple
II: Slots Financing
the Apple II
Pre-Apple experiences
BYTE: We've heard that you designed the
Apple I while you were working at Hewlett-Packard
in 1975. Can you tell us what you were doing
before that; what lead up to the creation of the
Apple I?
WOZNIAK: I have been interested in electronics
and computers all my life. In my high school days,
I studied TV circuits and I designed about 50
computers on paper, but I couldn't afford the
parts to build them. In 1970, most people couldn't
afford a monitor, so I designed video outputs that
plugged into an oscilloscope and had the
oscilloscope draw letters on the screen.
I had also been studying software. I wanted to
know how to write compilers for languages like
FORTRAN or BASIC, so I studied and kept notebooks.
It was all self-taught and on paper, but I never
got a chance to try it out.
I took three years of college toward a computer
science degree back when only a few colleges were
starting to offer it as an undergraduate
curriculum. My third year had been at The
University of California at Berkeley.
I originally planned to take a year off from
Berkeley after my third year to earn enough money
as a technician for my final year of college. But
my career kept advancing. I was hired by
Hewlett-Packard, made an engineer there, and I
started developing better design expertise. I got
into chip layout and things like that, and
basically my career kept moving, my interests in
life were changing, and it was too far to commute
to Berkeley. I tried San Jose State but I didn't
have the time available and it wasn't compatible
with my first three years of college. It would
have taken four more years to get my degree. So I
never got a degree.
I was still an electronic hobbyist. I lost
interest in minicomputers during the next three
years, because I was doing calculator chips at HP
and projects on the side at night.
I saw a Pong game in a bowling alley. So I went
and designed my own. I designed the Breakout video
game for Atari. I was just constantly involved in
electronics as a hobby. At Hewlett-Packard we were
pretty much just designing integrated
Around that time the Homebrew Computer Club got
started and I happened to get directed to the
first meeting by accident. I started discovering a
bunch of high school kids who knew all about
microprocessors and assembly language, and it was
the stuff I had done up until three years before
in my life. My whole life had been in
minicomputers. All of a sudden, I started
realizing microcomputers are the same as
minicomputers, and I understood them.
BreakoutBYTE: You mentioned that you
designed the Breakout game for Atari. How did that
WOZNIAK: Steve Jobs was working for Atari at
the time. Nolan Bushnell was really annoyed
because all their new games were coming out at
150-170 chips. He wanted low chip counts to reduce
costs, and he had seen a version of Pong that I
had done, that only used about 30 chips. He
appreciated that. So he said if we could design a
hardware Breakout in under 50 chips, we'd get 700
bucks; and if it was under 40 chips, we'd get
Atari didn't put us on a time schedule; Steve
did. l had to do it in four days because Steve had
to catch an airplane to Oregon. l was the
designer-the engineer-and Steve was a breadboarder
and test technician.
We gave them a working breadboard for it. My
first design was 42 chips. By the time we got it
working it was 44. but we were so tired we
couldn't cut it down. So we only got 700 bucks for
BYTE: How did you get to the point of
designing the Apple I?
WOZNIAK: I had worked my way up through
software using a terminal on a local time-sharing
system. Sometimes I'd call it from work, but I
wanted to do it at home. I eventually designed and
built a TV terminal and a modem so I could call
this computer and play games. I was a true hacker.
I started getting on ARPA-net and accessing
computers all around the country. BYTE was the
first magazine to get started, and I bought issue
#1 at the newsstand.
I didn't want to pay to use somebody else's
computer, so I decided to design my own. l wanted
to have it all in one place, and I already had a
terminal, so I was part-way there.
I sat down and wrote the BASIC first, and that
took a lot more time than the computer design.
Once it was written, I had to build the computer.
I had designed a simple 6800-based computer, but
the actual choice of processors was dictated by
what I could afford. At the time, most
microprocessors cost hundreds of dollars, but you
could buy a 6501 over the counter for $20, and a
6502 was $25. So I bought a 6502, built the
computer, and soldered one of my small TV
terminals right onto the same board. It was a
small computer with a small terminal, but it had
good capabilities.
In our lab at Hewlett-Packard we had a desktop
computer called the 9830 that ran BASIC. It was
designed for the scientific community and cost
$10,000 so it wasn't a personal computer, but you
could run BASIC as soon as you sat down. That was
my goal with the Apple I - you could sit down,
turn it on, and start typing.
That was the main thing about the Apple I. Its
characteristics were largely centered on its video
terminal capability. In those days, the most
common input/output mechanism was the ASR-33
teletype. It had been a standard for 10 years, and
the minicomputer companies had only recently
started using video terminals. So I had lots of
experience using teletypes, and now I could do it
in video with my terminal.
In 1975 video terminals were designed with
shift registers because there were no cheap RAMs.
You'd set up a bunch of shift registers and keep
shifting them around to send text to the TV
screen. So the Apple I was slow. It could type out
60 characters a second - one character per scan of
the TV screen. My motivation was totally to save
chips, not to add features.
BYTE: Was the Apple I really a full-blown
WOZNIAK: Yes, but its features were a little
bit different than the Apple II's and other
personal computers that followed. It was slow, and
it was text only, but it was a lot faster than the
teletypes we were used to. They could only type 10
characters per second. TV terminals were just
starting to get popular in those days.
Apple I: RAM
BYTE: Weren't they still fairly
WOZNIAK: Yes, but I had to be cheap because I
didn't have any money. I used the oldest, cheapest
surplus parts I could find. Don Lancaster had
written an article called "TVTI" for
Radio-Electronics and it was the big hobbyist
article of the day. He had a humongous design that
used tons and tons of parts and gates, but it was
a poor design. I was into tight, clever designs to
cut chips down, so I was flexible about the video
timing. I knew from my high school days that TVs
are designed with a lot of slop. Even if my timing
was a little bit off, it would still work with
most TVs and monitors.
BYTE: So you didn't worry too much about
precise timing?
WOZNIAK: No. I was in a very hobbyist realm. I
wasn't designing a product, just something that
would work at home on my own TV. The computer
itself used a 6502 processor interfaced to the
terminal through a parallel interface chip called
a PIA. It could also read a keyboard, so I bought
a surplus keyboard that was advertised in an
electronics magazine for $60. It emulated an
ASR-33 teletype and did everything I wanted it to
do, so I interfaced it.
Memory was my main problem. The only surplus
RAMs available at the time were 2102s - lK static
RAMs. I had the computer designed and the BASIC
written, so I borrowed a 4K 2102 static RAM board
from a friend so I could test it out. I got my
BASIC going with that, but I wanted to use dynamic
memories because you could cut the chip count way
Steve got intrigued with all these ideas and
one day he asked me, "Why don't you use these new
16-pin dynamic RAMs?" I had looked at them in my
work at Hewlett-Packard, but they were new and I
couldn't afford any parts that didn't come my way
almost free. I'm a little bit shy, and I didn't
know any of the reps, but Steve just called them
up and talked them into giving us samples. I
jumped on it. I thought it was a great part
because you could replace 32 chips on a board with
just eight. It was a little more difficult to use
because you had to multiplex the row and column
addresses and that cost me one or two chips. But I
was very happy because it was TTL
[transistor-transistor 1ogic] compatible and I
could save a lot of board space because the parts
were so much smaller. My whole goal was to make it
as small as I could. I now had a little computer
on one board about six by eight inches thatI could
take down to the club and show off. It was only 30
or 40 chips and it could run BASIC. People would
look at it. It was unexpected.
Apple Computer
BYTE: So how did Apple Computer actually get
WOZNIAK: Steve and I had both been going down
to the [Homebrew Computer] club and giving out
schematics for the computer and the terminal, even
going over to people's houses and helping them
build and test the computers out. Steve said.
"Look, people are interested in what you've got.
Why don't we make a PC board, have it silkscreened
so they know what parts to plug in, and sell it at
the club?"
We had about 500 members in the club, and I
thought that maybe 50 people would buy it. It
would cost us about $1000 to have the board laid
out, and each board would cost us about $20. So if
we sold them for $40 and 50 people bought them,
we'd get our $1000 back. It seemed pretty
doubtful. But Steve said, "Well. yes, but at least
for once in our lives we'll have a company." So
Steve sold his van and I sold my HP calculator to
raise the money to make the PC boards.
Right away Steve got a big order from a local
computer store to supply completely built
computers. They ordered something like 100 units
at $500 each, to retail at $666. It was
unbelievable - a $50.000 order. We were in
All of a sudden we needed about $20,000 to buy
parts. Steve went down to the local parts
suppliers and we filled out financial forms. They
looked at our purchase order, made phone calls,
and really looked into our customer's credit. In
the end, they gave us the parts with 30 days'
credit. We had everything set up to build the
computers and deliver them in 10 days, and it
worked out great. We delivered the computers, paid
off the parts suppliers, and only had to borrow
$5000 from a friend, Alan Baum, and his
BYTE: How many Apple I's did you actually
WOZNIAK: We manufactured 200 of them and sold
all but 25 over a period of nine or ten
BYTE: When was that?
WOZNIAK: In 1976. It was first demonstrated
running BASIC in late 1975, and Steve suggested
forming a company in late 1976. We formed an
official partnership in March. We had a third
partner at the time who had 10 percent, but he
sold out for $800 because he thought we weren't
going to go anywhere except into debt, and he was
the only partner with money.
Apple Computer's name
BYTE: Just to put four or five stories to
rest, where did the name Apple Computer actually
come from?
WOZNIAK: It came out of Steve Jobs's head, and
he's a sort of private person, so I can't say what
led up to it. He came up with an inspiration. He
was working from time to time in the orchards up
in Oregon. I thought that it might be because
there were apples in the orchard or maybe just its
fructarian nature. Maybe the word just happened to
occur to him. In any case, we both tried to come
up with better names, but neither one of us could
think of anything better after Apple was
BYTE: Hewlett-Packard didn't want the rights
to the Apple I. You designed it while you were
working there. Did you offer it to them?
WOZNIAK: Yes. There were a few of us in the lab
at HP who were interested in microcomputers. We
had proposed it to the lab manager. We sat down
and had a meeting, and worked out on paper how we
could have a little $800 machine that could run
BASIC and connect to a home TV. Now this guy had
been the project manager of HP's 9830 desktop
BASIC machine, and he had been through a lot of
these issues. He knew why this couldn't be an HP
product, and he was right. Hewlett-Packard just
couldn't do a hobby product - they just couldn't
get into an evolving market when it was too young
and unforeseen. So he turned it down and I got a
legal release. A funny thing happened. After we
started shipping Apple I's, our calculator
division at HP started a little 8-bit processor
project called Capricorn. l had already done most
of the stuff they were doing, but they wouldn't
let me work on that project.
Apple I: Specs
BYTE: Can you summarize the characteristics
of the Apple I?
WOZNIAK: It used the 6502 and included 8K of
RAM by the time we put it out as a product. You
could load BASIC into 4K of memory and you had 4K
left over for your own BASIC programs. We supplied
the boards completely put together and it had a
video connector, but you still had to connect a
video monitor on your own. You also had to get a
keyboard and wire it into a 16-pin DIP connector.
We built a power supply onto the board, but you
had to connect two transformers for 5 volts and 12
volts. It had no speaker, no graphics or color. It
could just display text at 60 characters per
BYTE: The display wasn't
WOZNIAK: No, it was just a computer with a
built-in video terminal. You could hand-wire
certain addresses to read the keyboard, write to
the video terminal. and select addresses for 4K
memory bank 1 and bank 2. It had one external card
connector, and we quickly filled that with a
cassette interface card. It also had a side
connector where we could theoretically add
something later to expand it. The idea was just
very small and simple, and it was all on one
BYTE: Was there a monitor in ROM?
WOZNIAK: Not really. In those days PROMs were
very expensive, so I just used two small 256 by 4
PROMs to give me 256 bytes of ROM. I wrote a
little program that would let you type in
hexadecimal codes, examine a range of memory, or
run a program at a particular address. Those three
functions fit in 256 bytes.
The Apple II
BYTE: How did you make the transition from
the Apple I to the Apple II?
WOZNIAK: We were selling Apple I's and we were
just having fun and getting known. It was the most
incredible thing we had ever done in our lives. I
was still working at Hewlett-Packard and just
moonlighting at Apple to test out boards, write
more programs, and design a cassette interface so
you could load BASIC in just a few minutes.
[Before the cassette interface you had to type
in the entire 4K BASIC interpreter by hand, in
hexadecimal.... R.M.] I had taken the machine
down to the Homebrew Computer Club for its
official introduction and pointed out its
features. I got asked a lot of questions - people
wanted to know if it could do other things.
At the time, Cromemco had just come out with a
board called the Color Dazzler that did color
graphics on S-100 systems. We had also had a demo,
at the club, of a minicomputer running a display
of a clock on the screen in color. During one of
my times at Atari with Steve, I had designed a
little seven-chip circuit to do color on a TV
screen and it worked. So I started working on
things that I wanted to add to the Apple I. I was
thinking about clever color circuits and how to
cut the chips down.
Remember, I had a computer with its own memory
and a terminal with the display memory in shift
registers. So I started thinking how I could
combine parts into one - to somehow get them both
to use the same memory. I finally worked out a
design where a small part of the main memory was
used as the terminal's video memory.
Eventually I got the whole machine done. It did
everything that the Apple I did, except the
display was in main memory so you could change any
location on the screen instantly. I had built-in
color, and EAROMs [electrically alterable
read-only memories] were getting more common,
so it had software built in to make it operate
like a terminal. So it had color, it was very
fast, and it was still cheap. In the end it was
about half as many chips as the Apple I and it was
many times better.
Apple II: Color
BYTE: Was the designed-in color low
resolution or high resolution?
WOZNIAK: At first it was low-resolution color.
Basically it could output characters in two
different ways, either as text or as colors. I
actually had to modify our horizontal video rates
to be a little different from the NTSC [National
Television Standards Committee] standards, because
NTSC was not designed for digital video.
Once the computer was done, I started writing
routines for the ROMs. I wrote terminal software
so the characters would display in rows, from left
to right and move down to the next line for a
carriage return. I expanded my monitor routines to
do more than just load hex, display memory and run
programs. I added the cassette routines because I
knew they were going to be important. Eventually I
started adding fancy features like a disassembler
and the ability to split the screen into different
windows. I would just go down to the club every
two weeks and show off the latest routines I had
done, because it was impressive. It wound up being
a 2K monitor with graphics routines and everything
All my thinking from the Apple I days was
carried over into the Apple II. Most people could
not afford a color monitor, so it had to work with
a home TV. A home TV could only display 40
characters across the screen, and I had to do what
a TV could display. It was interesting because the
technology defined the product rather than the
market defining the product.
BYTE: What caused the odd mapping of the
graphics addresses?
WOZNIAK: I had horizontal and vertical counters
in the video circuits, and I had to map them into
the display memory addresses. If you think about
it, it's simple to have a perfectly linear address
space. You take the vertical count times 40 and
add it to the horizontal count. But it took three
7483 adder chips to do that, and I was looking for
ways to save chips in the design. I figured out a
couple of tricks that let me do it with just one
adder, so I was able to save two chips; that
helped others at the Homebrew Computer Club.
Also, I assumed that the user would just send
characters to the screen through the terminal
routines in the monitor. He would never see the
odd addressing. I just wanted to play games and
run BASIC. I didn't perceive that anyone would
want to address the screen directly. Fortunately,
only the vertical addresses were out of order, and
there are a lot of easy ways to handle that so it
doesn't slow things down.
Apple II: Text & Graphics
BYTE: How did you come up with the scheme
where each byte only displays 7 bits, and when did
the high-resolution graphics arrive?
WOZNIAK: I had used the cheapest parts
available. and a 5 by 7 character generator was
the only cheap one in 1975. So my characters were
five dots across and they fit into a 7 by 8
matrix. From my experiments with color and my
experience with TVs, I knew how much time was
available to display data during a TV scan. I also
knew that my master clock had to be a multiple of
the color-burst frequency, so I used 14.31818 MHz,
four times the U.S. color subcarrier. So with that
clock, I just counted how many dots per character
would get 40 characters on the screen. I could
have used eight dots per character and displayed
32 characters per line, but if I tried to display
40 characters of eight dots each it would have
been too wide to fit on the TV screen.
One day I mentioned to Steve that I had noticed
something interesting in the video addressing. I
could make a little change by adding two chips,
and then I could just shift each byte out onto the
screen and we'd have hi-res graphics. I wasn't
sure that it was worth the two chips because I was
very chip-conscious. But Steve was pushing for all
the features we could get, so eventually we put it
in. At the time we had no idea that people were
going to be able to write games with animation and
little characters bouncing all around the screen.
It was a neat feature, so we put it in there.
Well, now I had a computer that had color in
roughly the size of the bricks in the Breakout
game I had designed for Atari. I had written a
bunch of assembly-language routines to draw
spirals and zig-zags of color, and I would take it
into Hewlett-Packard to show the engineers.
Sometimes they would sit down and say. "This is
the most incredible product I've ever seen in my
life." Many people were saying that when they saw
the colors, but it was not in BASIC yet.
Apple II & Breakout
I wanted to write Breakout. I knew I could do
it in assembly language, but I hadn't put any
graphics commands in the BASIC yet. I knew how to
add commands, since I had written the BASIC, so I
put in a command to plot simple color squares and
soon got to a point where I could draw a brick
wall. Then I did a ball and wrote some routines to
make it bounce around. Now I needed a game
I wasn't sure how to sense the value of a
paddle. I didn't want to put in 20 chips or
anything expensive. So I found some little timer
chips - NE555 timers. They were very cheap, but
they could sense the value of a pot
[potentiometer] by controlling their
timeouts. There was also a larger one that was
four 555 timers on one chip. So it was trivial.
With a few resistors and capacitors I could read
four paddles. As I got further into the game I
needed sound, so I put a speaker in also.
Basically, all the game features were put in
just so I could show off the game I was familiar
with - Breakout - at the Homebrew Computer Club.
It was the most satisfying day of my life when I
went down there. I got a couple of high school
kids to help me set it up, and I demonstrated
Breakout - totally written in BASIC. It seemed
like a huge step to me. After designing hardware
arcade games, I knew that being able to program
them in BASIC was going to change the world. All
of that stuff is the essence of the Apple
Apple II: Slots
BYTE: We've heard that someone else helped
you with the design of the I/O slots on the Apple
II. Is that true?
WOZNIAK: Yes. Many of the computers of the day
had I/O card connectors, but they all required a
bunch of address-decoding circuitry on each card.
It was costly and required extra chips. I was into
low-chip-count designs, and I wanted to have eight
slots. So I was thinking of dividing part of the
address space up between the eight slots and just
using one decoder on my board to decode the eight
different addresses. In that way, each I/O board
didn't need three chips' worth of decoders on
Alan Baum helped a lot. I already had some
address decoders on the board that decoded every
16th and every 256th I/O address. Alan realized
very clearly that each card could have its own
little 256-byte PROM on it and how they could all
share a bank-switched 2K space. So I could just
send two decoding signals to each card. Each board
had 16 addresses for its I/O and 256 bytes of
space for its PROM. Alan was the most constructive
person in terms of realizing very clearly just how
well the hardware-software interaction would
I saw one of Steve Ciarcia's articles in a
recent issue of BYTE. He implemented a new voice
chip design on an Apple II, and he said it was
"because you don't have to decode it on the
board." That was exactly the purpose behind the
I/O decoding Alan and I designed. Oddly enough, he
and his father were the ones who lent us the $5000
we needed in the Apple I days.
Financing the Apple II
BYTE: How did you raise the money to build
the Apple II?
WOZNIAK: By the time we did the Apple II, we
had to build 1000 boards that cost $250 each. We
needed $250,000 and we had nothing. Mike Markkula
helped us write a business plan, and then he
started perceiving that maybe this home computer
market was really going to happen. He thought that
home computers would hook up to your oven and
refrigerator. Obviously this didn't happen, but he
decided to join us as a third partner. |