You have been blocked from accessing this Site
...due to former site grabbing, wikispam, or spidering attemps from your address
6 times on 2025.03.14@11:06:56
There are two reasons why we block grabbing or spidering of the site:
- The content of this site is a valuable collection of the intelletual property of many authors.
It is a challenge to protect this property while at the same time makeing it freely available and
still rewarding the authors in order to encourage them to continue contributing. We do this by
A) preventing the wholesale copying and redistribution of the site to reduce bandwidth charges and server load
B) distributing products made by the site authors and
selling some carefully selected advertizing on the site and
C) ensuring that authors are correctly credited for thier work and supported in any way possible.
- Most users don't realize how big the site is. Some people see part of it
and decide that they would like a local copy. But there are 2.5 GBs of content
on this site even after compression. Something like 300,000 pages. Site ripping
programs like webzip or MSIECrawler follow all the links as long as they
stay on the same site. People think they are going to take a copy of the
part they have seen, but it goes on, and on, and on. It is enough that Google
and altavista keep indexing it... it takes forever for them to get the entire
- Finally, spidering is exactly what SPAMMERS do when they are trying to collect email addresses from a site.
Copies of the site for offline viewing are available on a set of CD for a nominal charge of $30
(to cover the time it takes to squeeze that much data onto the CDs) plus shipping and handling.
This is not a sale of the works on the site (they are always available free of charge via the internet)
but only of the media and service of physically transporting the sites content en mass.
Call 1-970-462-7764 or email if you want to talk about it.
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