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Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition
Language Reference |

Abs Function
Array Function
Asc Function
Atn Function
CBool Function
CByte Function
CCur Function
CDate Function
CDbl Function
Chr Function
CInt Function
CLng Function
Cos Function
CreateObject Function
CSng Function
CStr Function
Date Function
DateDiff Function
DatePart Function
DateSerial Function
DateValue Function
Day Function
Exp Function
Filter Function
Fix Function
FormatCurrency Function
FormatDateTime Function
FormatNumber Function
FormatPercent Function
GetObject Function
Hex Function
Hour Function
InputBox Function
InStr Function
InStrRev Function
Int Function
IsArray Function
IsDate Function
IsEmpty Function
IsNull Function
IsNumeric Function
IsObject Function
Join Function
LBound Function
LCase Function
Left Function
Len Function
LoadPicture Function
Log Function
LTrim Function
Mid Function
Minute Function
Month Function
MonthName Function
MsgBox Function
Now Function
Oct Function
Replace Function
Right Function
Rnd Function
Round Function
RTrim Function
ScriptEngine Function
ScriptEngineBuildVersion Function
ScriptEngineMajorVersion Function
ScriptEngineMinorVersion Function
Second Function
Sgn Function
Sin Function
Space Function
Split Function
Sqr Function
StrComp Function
StrReverse Function
String Function
Tan Function
Time Function
TimeSerial Function
TimeValue Function
Trim Function
TypeName Function
UBound Function
UCase Function
VarType Function
Weekday Function
WeekdayName Function
Year Function

© 1996 by Microsoft Corporation.

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Quick, Easy and CHEAP! RCL-1 RS232 Level Converter in a DB9 backshell
Ashley Roll has put together a really nice little unit here. Leave off the MAX232 and keep these handy for the few times you need true RS232!

























