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Property Value Queries

With property value queries, you can find files that have property values that match a given criterion. The properties for which you can query include basic file information such as file name and file size, and ActiveX properties including the document summary that is stored in files created by ActiveX-aware applications.

There are two types of property queries:

This section covers the following topics:

Property Names

Property names are preceded by either the “at” sign (@) or number sign (#) character. Use @ for relational queries, and # for regular expression queries.

If no property name is specified, @contents is assumed.

Properties available for all files include:

Property Name Description
All Matches words, phrases, and any property
Contents Words and phrases in the file
Filename Name of the file
Size File size
Write Last time the file was modified

ActiveX property values can also be used in queries. Web sites with files created by most ActiveX-aware applications can be queried for these properties:

Property Name Description
DocTitle Title of the document
DocSubject Subject of the document
DocAuthor The document’s author
DocKeywords Keywords for the document
DocComments Comments about the document

For a complete list of property names, see the List of Property Names later on this page.

Relational Operators

Relational operators are used in relational property queries.

To Search For Example Results
Property values in relation to a fixed value @size < 100
@size <= 100
@size = 100
@size != 100
@size >= 100
@size > 100
Files whose size matches the query
Property values with all of a set of bits on @attrib ^a 0x820 Compressed files with the archive bit on
Property values with some of a set of bits on @attrib ^s 0x20 Files with the archive bit on

Property Values

To Search For Example Results
A specific value @DocAuthor = Bill Barnes Files authored by Bill Barnes
Values beginning with a prefix #DocAuthor George* Files whose author property begins with George
Files with any of a set of extensions #filename *.|(exe|,dll|,sys|) Files with .exe, .dll, or .sys file-name extensions
Files modified after a certain date @write > 96/2/14 10:00:00 Files modified after February 14, 1996 at 10:00 GMT
Files modified after a relative date@write > -1d2h Files modified in the last 26 hours
Vectors matching a vector @vectorprop = { 10, 15, 20 } ActiveX documents with a vectorprop value of { 10, 15, 20 }
Vectors where each value matches a criterion @vectorprop >^a 15 ActiveX documents with a vectorprop value in which all values in the vector are greater than 15
Vectors where at least one value matches a criterion @vectorprop =^s 15 ActiveX documents with a vectorprop value in which at least one value is 15

Regular Expressions

Regular expressions in property queries are defined as follows:

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