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My experience installing Windows NT 4.0 Server

Note: This page and its links were correct as of 11/2000. Microsoft constantly changes the location of resources on their web sites. I can't keep up. Good luck.

If you use 8GB or larger EIDE (rather than IDE) drives, you need a new ide driver from the microsoft web site. Many hours to find this:

Since I didn't have a floppy drive in the machine, I just ftp'd the file from

ran it to extract the files and copied the .sys file to the winnt/system32/drivers directory and restarted. Suddenly my 8GB drive was again a 15GB drive <GRIN>

Getting the damn service packs proved to be a larger challenge. I actually had to use another machine on the network to download the 32MB version of the service pack 6a file from MS as the IE 2.0 provided from the NT CD could not access the site! Not even in text mode! And you can't upgrade IE untill you get Service Pack 3 installed and you can't get that by ftp either. Amazing. NT 3.51 was never this poorly supported. I wish they had provided an ftp address for that file.

They also left two files off the service pack... you can get them at:

Then you have to update IIS 3.0 to 4.0 (Major heart attack while trying to figure out why .ASP pages wouldn't work, until I realized that it was IIS 3.0 and that IIS 3.0 doesn't support ASP... then another when I couldn't find an upgrade path from IIS 3.0 to 4.0... and it is NOT listed with the downloads for NT 4.0 Server...)

Then you have to update Site Server with

I wanted to setup the inetpub directory on a seperate drive and assign rights to the "public internet" user which allowed them only to have access to that drive. I had changed the drive before installing the service packs and now the IIS service will not start. Next: remove and reinstall IIS, apply the damn service packs again, then change inetpub.

See also:



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