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Tilapia Topic: Disease Treatments



			Aquacenter, Inc.
			P.O. Box 4877
			Greenville, MS 38704
			Ph: (601) 378-2861
			Fax: (601) 378-2862

			Aquatic Culture and Design
			P.O. Box 911
			Kapaau, HI 96755
			Ph: (808) 889-5225
			Fax: (808) 889-0200        

			Aquaworld Pet Center
			3424 Wauakae Ave.
			Honolulu, HI  96816
			Ph: (808) 735-2667
			Fax: (808) 735-2667

			Argent Laboratories
			8702 - 152nd Ave. NE
			Redmond, WA  98052
			Ph: (206) 885-3777
			Fax: (206) 885-2112        

otc medication*
otc medication&*


@ has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 
for use with tilapia.  Thus, it is not currently legal to use this 
substance to treat tilapia especially if these fish or their offspring 
are intended for human consumption.

@ may be legally used only if there is a current Investigational New 
Animal Drug Application (INADA) in effect for treatment of the particular 
disease at the particular site.  It is the responsibility of the user 
to know if an INADA is in effect for @ for use with tilapia on his or 
her site.  The user must be familiar with and to comply with the 
conditions for an INADA for @.

food-fish m.*

     The preparation of medicated feed for use 
with fish intended for human consumption is 
regulated by the FDA.  You should purchase 
medicated ration from a feed vendor that is 
licensed to produce and sell the medication 
supplemented feed.  One such vendor is Rangen,
Inc., 115 - 13th Ave. St., Buhl, ID  83316, 
Ph:(208) 543-6421, (800) 321-0886, 
Fax: (208) 543-8037.

     If you purchase a medicated ration, 
follow the instructions given on the label of 
the feed bag.  It is your responsibility to 
know if such use is approved by the FDA or is 
covered by an active INADA.  Be sure to 
continue the full course of the treatment as
indicated on the label instructions.
food-fish m.&* 

oral treatment*
     The preparation of medicated feed for use 
with fish intended for human consumption is 
regulated by the FDA.  

You should purchase medicated ration from a 
feed vendor that is licensed to produce and 
sell the medication supplemented feed.  One
such vendor is Rangen, Inc., 
115 - 13th Ave. St., Buhl, ID  83316, 
Ph:(208) 543-6421, (800) 321-0886, 
Fax: (208) 543-8037.

     If you purchase a medicated ration, 
follow the instructions given on the label of 
the feed bag.  It is your responsibility to 
know if such use is approved by the FDA or is 
covered by an active INADA.  Be sure to 
continue the full course of the treatment as
indicated on the label instructions.
oral treatment&*     

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