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SX Camera Interface

CMUCam v1.11 Schematic and Parts List

also: Source Code

Qty Item Part no. (Digi-key) Schematic Label Unit Price
1 75 MIPS Ubicom SX28 SX28AC75/DP-ND IC1 5.18
1 OV6620 Eval Board * BB048* 57.95
1 Maxim 232 Level Shifter MAX232CPE-ND IC3 3.31
1 SG-531 75.00 MHz crystal osc SE2911-ND QG1 5.85
1 5 Volt Regulator LM2940CT-5.0-ND IC2 1.80
3 4.7 Kohm 1/4 Watt Resistor 4.7KQBK-ND R2 R3 R4 0.06
2 220 ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor 220QBK-ND R1 0.06
6 1.0 uF Capacitor P2105-ND C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 0.42
2 SPST Switch EG1847-ND S1 S2 1.11
1 3mm red LED 67-1125-ND LED3MM 0.16
1 3mm green LED 67-1127-ND D1 0.16
2 0.1uF Capacitor P4923-ND C8 C10 0.55
3 100 uF Capacitor P5138-ND C7 C9 C11 0.28
2 14 pin IC socket
(to form a 28 pin socket)
AE8914-ND IC1 0.32
1 8 pin IC socket ** ED3308-ND QG1 0.42
1 16 pin IC socket ED3316-ND IC3 0.83
1 Double row female header 929852-01-36 JP5 3.35
1 Single row male header 929647-09-36-ND JP1x2 JP3 JP4 JP7 1.83
(1) Polarized 2 pin terminal housing WM2700-ND 0.25
(2) Crimp terminals WM2200-ND 0.13
(1) Polarized 2 pin terminal header WM2000-ND 0.25
(1) Female serial ribbon cable head AFS09G-ND 6.14
(1) Serial ribbon cable socket connector ASC10G-ND 1.11

See also:

file: /Techref/scenix/lib/io/dev/cam/cmucamsch.htm, 3KB, , updated: 2004/12/23 16:03, local time: 2024/9/17 08:44,

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