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Variables in Forms and in .Idq Files

The following table lists the variables that can be set in .idq files or set as CGI variables and referred to in .htx files. You can also set these variables in forms, or you can give them as parameters to a direct execution of the .idq file.

Variable Name Meaning
CiCatalog Override for the location of the catalog; defaults to the IsapiDefaultCatalogDirectory registry parameter if it is set.

If CiCodepage is sent in an .idq query or in a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) to generate hit highlighting, Index Server uses the setting in CiCodepage, overriding the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE setting in the browser and overriding the server's code page setting. If CiCodepage is not specified in a query, the server uses the default code page in the browser's HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE. If CiCodepage and HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE are not set, Index Server uses the system's code page.

In your request, specify either a number (to imply a Win32 code page) or a string, which is interpreted as an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code. For a list of codes accepted by Index Server and the HTML filter, see Recognized Character Set Tags.

You can also build the CiCodepage tag into an .htx file if it was sent in a URL to generate hit highlighting. For example:

<TITLE>Query results</TITLE>
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="test/html; charset=<%CiCodepage%>">


List of output columns available in the .htx file. The format is a series of columns named by friendly names (see List of Property Names) and separated by commas. Up to 50 output columns can be referred to in a single query. Properties cannot be duplicated. Different friendly names for the same property are considered duplicates. Columns can be displayed only if the property value is available either in an ActiveX property set, in the property cache, or as a basic file property. HTML meta properties are available only if they have been added to the property cache.


Some trimming of query results may be performed on individual objects after using the index to locate potential matches. Common post-processing includes trimming to match scope, and security. When a query sorted in descending order by rank is run, the full set of objects is examined to locate the CiMaxRecordsInResultSet top records. Because the top records cannot include items that fail post-index trimming, many thousands of items may have to be examined and thrown out to find the top results of a particular query, which can be very resource-intensive. Setting CiDeferNonIndexedTrimming to TRUE will first find the CiMaxRecordsInResultSet top records in the entire index, and then trim only that set. When this variable is set to TRUE, the number of results returned to the user may be less than CiMaxRecordsInResultSet, even if that many records match the query. The missing results will always be of lower rank than those returned. Although fewer results may be returned than expected, the best results will always be returned.

This flag should only be set when the scope of a query is set to the virtual root (CiScope = /) and there is a reasonable expectation that queries are pure content queries (no property value clause) and most results are accessible to the user. On a public Web site, this will be a common scenario.

CiFlags Query flags specifying the depth of search. DEEP means the directory given in CiScope and all directories below it, SHALLOW means only the directory specified in CiScope.
CiForceUseCi If TRUE, query will be forced to use the content index, even if the content index is out of date.
CiLocale Defines the locale used to issue the query.Standard HTML locale encoding is supported.
CiMaxRecordsInResultSet Maximum number of query results to return from a query.
CiMaxRecordsPerPage Maximum number of records to display on a page.
CiRestriction Query restriction, a description of what to search for. To display this on a page, or to use this in a URL with a query expression, see Syntax in HTML Extension Files.

Scope, the starting directory (or directories) for the search as either a virtual or physical path name. Separate multiple scopes with a comma (,). The scope / (forward slash) will match every page in all virtual directories and the scope \ (backslash) will match every page on every physical path. To incorporate CiScope into a URL with a query expression, see Syntax in HTML Extension Files.


Sort specification. The format is a series of columns named by friendly names (see List of Property Names) and followed by either [a] for ascending order (optional) or [d] for descending order. The primary sort column is listed first, for example, CiSort=Rank[d], FileName[a]. Setting this variable may force the search to use a nonsequential query.

CiTemplate Output template (.htx) file path name (as a virtual path name). This path name must be a complete path name from the virtual root with no “.” or “..” components.

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